Watermark Writing Company
612 Commercial Ave.
Anacortes, WA 98221
Established in 2023
Contact Us
612 Commercial Ave.
Anacortes, WA 98221
Watermark Writing Company provides reading, editing, and coaching services to our local writers. We want your writing to be the best possible version of itself.
Watermark Book Company has been a part of this community for over 33 years, and we are excited to provide
this new service!
"As an editor Brandy Bowen is a rare combination - keenly insightful and kindly encouraging. She has an excellent editorial eye and any manuscript will benefit from Brandy's expertise and valuable insights as an industry professional. Brandy edited my fifth novel and caught errors other editors had missed. Her clear, incisive comments strengthened the story, and I can wholeheartedly recommend her editorial services. Every author dreams of working with someone like her! "
—Rachel Linden, author of The Magic of Lemon Drop Pie
I had the privilege of working with Amberly as my editor on my last manuscript. Her attention to detail and consistency within my novel elevated my work to another level. Amberly ensured that all her edits maintained my voice and made it shine. Each suggestion was accompanied with detailed reasoning and, in some cases, research. I appreciate the care and dedication Amberly showed for my novel and cannot wait to work with her on the next book in the series.
—Julie Farley, author of Cozy Cabins and Ferry Tales
"Kathleen has been invaluable as a mentor, and through the mentoring relationship, she has also become a trusted friend. Kathleen is supportive and honest. She is an excellent coach and gives constructive and meaningful suggestions. Kathleen is honest and direct with her coaching, but she has a gift for presenting in a way that is educational and not personal. She is also an excellent writer.”
—Elizabeth Bishop, local writer
We offer writing workshops.
Our first official client!
Attending the book launch for an editing project.
Meet the Team
Brandy Bowen
Owner, Developmental Editor
I LOVE owning Watermark Book Company. It is a very exciting and exhausting job. I am married to Ben, and he works for the Washington State Ferries. I have 4 kids–they range in ages 8 years to 21 years old. I like to visit with friends and try new foods. I like dark beers… really dark beers. I love to crochet, read, and roller skate. I like to hike and ride my bicycle. I LOVE to travel! I have been to Ireland, Iceland, Denmark, Italy, Banff (Canada), Scotland, Mexico, and we often bugger off to Hawaii for a little reprieve and some sunshine.
I will read just about anything. However, if I don’t like something I’m reading, I give myself permission to stop. I really enjoy nonfiction, memoirs, and horror.
Amberly Baker
Copy Editor
I have spent my whole life in the Pacific Northwest! I have a BA in Creative Writing from Western Washington University and a Professional Sequence in Editing Certificate from UC Berkeley and I’ve been on the Watermark Book Company team for more than six years. I love to read and write, write letters, cook and bake (I AM a “Baker”), watch cooking and baking shows, and knit when my cranky arm will cooperate. I have a cat named Nicky, and he is my boy.
Kathleen Kaska
Writing Coach
I’m a Texas gal. Except for an eighteen-month hiatus living in New York City after college, I lived in the Lone Star State continuously for fifty years. Since then, Texas has been hit and miss—a little hit, but a heck of a lot of miss. There was a time when I thought I would happily die in Austin, Texas. But circumstances and weather—especially weather—changed that. Now I spend most of the year on Fidalgo Island in Washington State, with a view of the bay and the mountains. When I get homesick, my husband and I listen to Willie Nelson. Soon we are dancing the two-step, imagining we are at our favorite honky-tonk in Tokio, Texas, where the mayor is believed to be a dog. Who wouldn’t miss that?
Our Services
Developmental Editing
Reading for continuity of story and character
Flagging anything that doesn't make sense to the reader; flagging anything that isn't intuitive
Copy Editing
Mechanical editing
Correlating parts
Language: errors, wordiness, and problematic writing
Reviewing language for appropriate tone
Checking that the language flows
Identifying language that is stilted, unnecessary, or cliché
Honing your writing skills
Defining your writing goals to expand your vision
Acting as a sounding board to brainstorm ideas
Creating a writing schedule
Scheduling several one-on-one meetings with you
Get Started
Reach out to watermarkwritingcompany@gmail.com for information on the sample manuscript review process.
Once we go over the consultation agreement, you will submit a 40-page sample of your manuscript for an initial assessment. We will guide you to the services best suited to your piece.